13385 Roachton Rd. Perrysburg, OH
Tournament Director: Jodi Burnett: jodi.burnet@gmail.com
All registration conducted online at register.ohioathletics.com. No walk-in Registrations.
Special Notes:
A wrestler may wrestle in any District regardless of their hometown or qualifying Sectional.
Once qualifying to State, you may not enter another District.
Wrestlers that do not qualify for State, may enter another District without having to go to another Sectional.
The Districts will be Scratch +1 lb. i.e. 65lb Weight Class the wrestler can weigh 66.0 lbs or under.
The State Tournament will be Scratch (65lb) +2 lbs. i.e. 67.0 or under
There are no weigh-outs at the Sectionals or Districts but there will be weigh-outs at the State Tournament for Div. 3 & 4 wrestlers only. There are no weigh-outs for Division 1 and 2 wrestlers
You must register by Tuesday the week of the tournament for your wrestler’s name to be included on Event T-Shirt which will be available for purchase at the District tournament.
Weigh-In Date and Times:
Saturday weigh-in will take place at Perrysburg Junior High. 550 E South Boundary St. Perrysburg OH.
Enter at the Cafe door. The door is labeled “Cafe”. It’s on the backside of the school, directly across from the open grass.
Saturday, January 11, 2020: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (All Divisions)
Sunday Weigh-in takes place at Perrysburg High School 13385 Roachton Rd. Perrysburg, OH
Sunday, January 12, 2020: 6:30 AM – 7:30 AM (All Divisions) 10:00 – 11:00 AM (Divisions III and IV)
Note: All wrestlers must weigh-in wearing a singlet or short sleeve compression shirt & competition performance shorts. They may NOT remove any of the above-mentioned clothing to make weight. No weight allowance is given for the clothing. Wrestlers cannot move up or down a weight class from their registered weight class.
Wrestling Start Time:
Divisions I & II: 9:00 am
Division III & IV: Noon
Registration Closes at 10:00 pm January 10, 2020, or when capacity is met.
Online Registration only. There are NO walk-in registrations.
Entry Fee: $40 if registered 10 days prior to Tournament ($5 Late Fee if within 10 Days)
Admission: $5 (ages 5 and under Free)
Coaching Bands: $10 All Coaches must have a wrist band and must be purchased at the tournament. Only 2 coaches per wrestler at the mat.
To register for a tournament, you must first create an account.
If you already have an account, please login.