Tournament Info
Sunday February 9, 2025
- Toledo, OH
- 9:00AM
Additional Tournament Information
Location: Glass City Convention Center, 401 Jefferson Ave Toledo Ohio
Date: February 9, 2025
Weigh-In Dates and Times:
Night before: TBA (All Divisions)
Day of: TBA (All Divisions)
Day of, 2nd session weigh-in: TBA
Weight Classes will receive a +2lb allowance (90lbs is 92.0)
Wrestling Start Time:
Grade School Divisions 9am Start
Junior High Divisions 2nd Session- TBA
The Divisional State will be split into 2 classes- Large & Small Schools. Large & Small Classes Based on Entries. Determined once registration closes.
-OAC Age Group Divisions D2, D3, D4 (Age) & Junior High (Grade)
-Your Designated Feeder/High School Affiliation on your OAC Account designates your Class for this Tournament
-At registration, you will be automatically assigned to your feeder school.
Top 4 wrestlers in each weight receive award