Email [email protected] or go to www.NoviceState.com for more information.
To be qualified a wrestler MUST meet ALL requirements:
1. Must be an Ohio resident
2. 3 years or less experience - this can be their 3rd year of wrestling
3. No OAC state participation. (Does NOT include the current year or OAC D1 State )
4. No returning Ohio Novice State Finalists (1st & 2nd Place - unless only 3 in a bracket, does not include B1)
5. All wrestlers MUST have a COPY of their Birth Certificate onsite in the event of an age challenge.
**Girls Only (Girls can only wrestle in ONE division) No top 4 placement if more than 8 wrestlers in ANY state tournament** All other qualifications also apply to girl wrestlers.
Note: There are No Refunds
To register for a tournament, you must first create an account.
If you already have an account, please login.