
Tournament Type Definitions

Please Choose a Tournament Type To View the Definition.

Tournament Type Definitions [PDF]
Youth Tournaments
A Youth Tournament is a local area tournament that is hosted by a local club or school. These tournaments are not connected to the Ohio Athletic Committee. They do not count toward point series tournaments and do not earn criteria for District or State events.
Point Series & Novice Tournaments
Novice Tournaments are tournaments in which only wrestlers with 3 or less years’ experience (no state experience) may compete. They are designed to match up wrestlers with similar experience and skill level. Some Novice tournaments take place during Point Series Tournaments while other Novice Tournaments may be held during a youth tournament. There is a computer point system for Novice wrestlers that compete in OAC Novice Tournaments and is separate but similar to the computer point system for wrestlers who compete in an OAC Point Series Tournament. The Novice also has a State Tournament. The Novice State Tournament is conducted by the Ohio Grapplers organization. You can find more information on the Novice State Tournament at
Point Series Tournaments
A Point Series Tournament is a tournament that is an OAC and local wrestling organization joint effort event. The host is normally a club or school and the funds raised go to support the program.
A Point Series Tournament is an OAC sponsored event in which wrestlers compete in point series tournaments. A wrestler does not need to compete in a Sectional tournament to enter a District tournament. Points are earned by placing in the top 4 at a sectional tournament.
1st Place = 14 points
2nd Place = 10 points
3rd Place = 7 points
4th Place = 4 points
District Tournaments
Grade School
A Grade School District Tournament is a tournament that a wrestler must compete in to qualify for the Grade School State Tournament. No wrestler can enter the State Tournament without competing at a District.
A wrestler must finish in the top 4 of their district weight class to qualify and advance to the State Tournament. Once a wrestler qualifies for State their parent must log on to their account and register for State. There is no entry fee to compete at State however; the parent or user of the wrestlers account must complete the State Confirmation process or they will be removed from the State Tournament and an alternate wrestler will take their place.
Once a Grade School wrestler places in the top 4 of a District they cannot enter or compete in another Grade School District tournament or qualify at another weight.
Wrestlers that place 5th or 6th at a Grade School District may compete in another District in an attempt to earn a State Qualifying spot (1st thru 4th place). There is no limit on the number of Districts a non placer or 5th/6th place enters as long as they have not already placed in the top 4 of a previous District.
Wrestlers that place 5th or 6th at a Grade School District are considered State Alternates. State Alternates are used to fill open spots at the State Tournament when a wrestler that qualified has to forfeit their spot due to injury, illness, family conflicts or any other reason. The parent or user of the wrestler’s account must log on and complete the Alternate Confirmation process. They must accept or decline to compete as an Alternate at State. Accepting only means that they would like to fill a spot should a vacancy occurs in their weight class.
If a 5th or 6th place wrestler competes in another District but fails to place in top 6, they still maintain their State Alternate status. If they finish in the top 4 of another district, their Alternate spot is vacated and they are now a State Qualifier.
Junior High
A Jr. High District Tournament is a tournament that a wrestler must compete in to qualify for the Jr. High State Tournament. No wrestler can enter the State Tournament without competing at a District. Wrestlers must be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.
For the Jr. High District/State a wrestler must finish in the top 6 of his/her weight class at the District to qualify and advance to the State Tournament. Once a wrestler qualifies for State their parent must log on to their account and register for State. There is no entry fee to compete at State however; the parent or user of the wrestlers account must complete the State Confirmation process or they will be removed from the State Tournament and an alternate wrestler will take their place.
Once a Junior High wrestler places in the top 6 of a District they cannot enter or compete in another Jr. High District tournament.
Wrestlers that place 7th or 8th at a Jr. High District may compete in another District in an attempt to gain a State Qualifying spot (1st thru 6th place).
Wrestlers that place 7th or 8th at a Jr. High District are considered State Alternates. State Alternates are used to fill open spots at the State Tournament when a wrestler that qualified has to forfeit their spot due to injury, illness, family conflicts or any other reason. The parent or user of the wrestler’s account must log on and complete the Alternate Confirmation process that they accept or decline to compete as an Alternate at State. Accepting only means that they would like to fill a spot should a vacancy occurs in their weight class.
If a 7th or 8th place wrestler competes in another District but fails to place in top 6, they still maintain their State Alternate status. If they finish in the top 6 of another District, their Alternate spot is vacated and they are now a State Qualifier and must log on to their account to complete the State Qualifier Confirmation.
State Tournaments
Grade School
To compete in the State Tournament a wrestler must qualify from a District Tournament (see District Tournament above). There is no entry fee for the State Tournament. The District entry fee covers both the District and the State Tournaments. General Admission is $15 (5 and under free), state qualifiers receive free admission each day of state.
Junior High
To compete in the State Tournament a wrestler must qualify from a District Tournament (see District Tournament above). There is no entry fee for the State Tournament. The District entry fee covers both the District and the State Tournaments. General Admission is $15 (5 and under free), state qualifiers receive free admission each day of state.
Junior High
Point Series
  • Shenandoah Open Point Series Tournament
  • Sarahsville, OH
  • 10:00AM

