Point Series Standings

Rankings are updated on Wednesday each week. The tournament you wrestled this past week will show DNP rather than the placement until updated on Wednesday.

To view club standings click here.


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189 Point Series Points
# Name Points City Club
796 Jayse McPeek 8 Mineral City 330Lab
797 Locklen Yenser 8 Payne Wayne Trace Wrestling Club
798 James Root 7 Dublin Dublin Irish
799 Kalan McCutcheon 7 Plain City Jonathan Alder
800 Owen Joseph 7 Columbus Dublin Irish
801 Jason Turner 7 Reynoldsburg Team Hype
802 Timothy Sealey 7 Columbus Team Hype
803 Casen Amos 7 Vincent Parkersburg Cougars
804 Dako Stepanovich 7 Strongsville Strongsville Wrestling Club
805 Steven Imbrogno 7 columbia station Rogue Wrestling Club (Columbia Station)
806 James Carey 7 Olmsted twp Rogue Wrestling Club (Columbia Station)
807 Isaac Hull 7 Madison Madison 212 Wrestling
808 Russell Thompson 7 Strongsville Strongsville Wrestling Club
809 Lucas Taylor 7 Chagrin Falls Bomber Wrestling Club
810 Logan Sanger 7 Macedonia WestShore Wrestling
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