Novice Standings

Rankings are updated on Wednesday each week. The tournament you wrestled this past week will show DNP rather than the placement until updated on Wednesday.

To view club standings click here.

What are Novice Computer Points?


Wrestler Avatar
West Lafayette
164 Point Series Points
# Name Points City Club
136 Matt Flick 28 Hamilton Team Swet
137 Aveer Diwan 28 Mason Knights Wrestling Club
138 Jamison Flint 28 Washington CH Miami Trace
139 Samuel Conroy 28 Cincinnati Moeller Wrestling Club
140 Liam Hugentobler 28 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
141 Jesse Hackney 28 Troy Graham Future Falcons
142 Cade Stoneburner 28 Duncan falls Philo Wrestling Club
143 Conner Ashbaugh 28 Lancaster Berne Union Biddy Wrestling
144 Andyn Steil 28 Nashport Tri-Valley Wrestling Club
145 Grayson Brown 28 Hopewell Rising Kingz
146 Cutler Dunbar 28 Newport Frontier
147 Jonathan McGeorge 28 Minerva
148 Rush Arnold 28 Dennison Warner Elite Wrestling Club
149 Tatum Reinbolt 28 Oak Harbor Oak Harbor
150 Henrick Stoll 28 Sandusky Margaretta Wrestling
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