Novice Standings

Rankings are updated on Wednesday each week. The tournament you wrestled this past week will show DNP rather than the placement until updated on Wednesday.

To view club standings click here.

What are Novice Computer Points?


Wrestler Avatar
West Lafayette
164 Point Series Points
# Name Points City Club
616 Alexander Hatfield 10 Oxford
617 Jameson Parr 10 45069 Knights Wrestling Club
618 Bruce “Geno” Clark 10 Mount pleasant St. Clairsville Wrestling Club
619 Bentlee Johnson 10 Lancaster Berne Union Biddy Wrestling
620 Austin Nippert 10 Adena St. Clairsville Wrestling Club
621 Sylas Roberts 10 Philo
622 Jax Wilson 10 Philo Philo Wrestling Club
623 Luke Russell 10 New Lexginton
624 Hudson Hatem 10 New Lexington New Lex
625 Lincoln Shingary 10 Norwich
626 Samuel Kanski 10 Combridge
627 Carter Hawkins 10 Mount Vernon Mount Vernon Killer Bees
628 Paxton Nelms 10 BRILLIANT Buckeye Local Wrestling Club
629 McKenna Ziklo 10 Rayland Buckeye Local Wrestling Club
630 James Stroup 10 New Lexington Rising Kingz
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